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A Holy God

RockHow do you ever describe how holy our God is? David said who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?
The Philistines said before battle with Israel "How shall we fight against this holy God?"
Jesus said "Be holy for the Lord your God is holy.
God is surrounded by an eternal fire that no evil can penetrate, that no man can ever approach to. His realm is beyond our human comprehension, he is righteousness personified. He is light that destroys all darkness, and every demon in hell trembles before the holiness that is God.
How then can we ever approach God almighty? How can we hope to stand before the one who is eternally just and true, who's ways we can never even hope to gain but the tiniest glimpse into through a dark glass.
The answer is by grace. The grace of Jesus who made a new and living way for us through his blood. We enter his presence by grace of the blood of the lamb who washed us White as snow so that we could begin to have fellowship with our eternal father God.
But he is so holy and we should never forget or lose our sense of godly fear (respect and awe) at just who we are dealing with.
Paul warned us in the book of Hebrews that if under the old covenant the children of Israel refused to listen to and turned away from what God said as he came down with fire on mount Sinai, then how would we stand we who have been saved by grace through Jesus if we turn away from him under the new covenant!
Our God is a consuming fire and holy. Did I mention holy?
There is need for us, the children of the kingdom, to follow the rules of the kingdom. To do so keeps us within a safe place where Gods peace rules supreme. Remember righteousness delivers us from death. Not our own righteousness but the putting on of the nature of Christ, for it was through him that we could be clothed in Gods holiness and be made acceptable to him. We can't do it. We have no good thing dwelling in our flesh but spiritually we have been joined to Jesus and it's through contact with the Holy ghost, the same Holy ghost who filled Jesus, that we are empowered to enter a realm where this Holy God inhabits.
Take a moment to consider who you have been saved by. It was holiness itself that went to the cross for you and was slain as a spotless sacrifice before God and it was because Jesus was holy and spotless that death could not restrain him in the grave but shook with a great violence till the son of this holy God ascended out of the grave in resurrection power. It's holiness that gives the victory in our lives over sin and it's by right living that we follow Jesus example in serving our father.
We fail yes, but his grace comes in to teach us the right way to live and leads us on to victory in our lives.

Ps 24:3
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart......


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