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"For nothing is impossible with God! "

Lk 1:37

What a word from one of the highest angels to Mary the soon to be mother of Christ himself!  Gabriel knew whereof he spoke as he had already previously declared in this same chapter to a dumbfounded priest called John. "I stand in the presence of almighty God." I know that nothing is impossible with God! I don't care about the way things look, I don't care that it hasn't happened to you before, I'm talking about now, today being a good day for God to show up in your life and prove just how real, just how amazing he is. With man perhaps it's hopeless but not with God. There is power to set you free, power to break the addiction, power to turn your life upside down, right-side up! what a reality to step into in your heart! That with God nothing is impossible. People forget sometimes just who they are dealing with, just like John did in this chapter.  we are dealing with the one who created everything, the one who saved us out of the impossible mess that mankind was left in after the fall from hope in the garden of Eden. This is the God who devised the ultimate rescue plan to save us and through his son Jesus, carried it out with style. He's the God who declared " I am God is there anything too hard for me?
Just when Satan felt he had Jesus nailed to a cross, it was in fact the devils greatest defeat and mankind rescued from the very jaws of death.

If you could just get some faith stirred up in your spirit by reading these words, you would look at life in a different way. You would begin to see yourself through Christ as the champion in life, not the defeated. Even when all hell is coming against you, the fact that nothing.....NOTHING is impossible with your God, remains an unshakable truth.
John whether he believed or not at first still ended up holding the promise nine or so months later!
It says in Hebrews 4:12 that the word that God speaks, is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing and effective. That is why when your facing what seems to be an imposable battle, where everything seems stacked against you, if God is on your side, then who dare be against you. The word once it sets out from Gods mouth does exactly what he said it would.
We are told in that same chapter in Hebrews to come near to our father God, fearlessly, confidently and boldly, to draw near to him in our problems and we would find his mercy and grace to help us in good time for EVERY need!

Hebrews 10:22 says it like this. "Let us all come forward and draw near with true hearts with absolute conviction and confidence in his power... and to seize and hold fast our declaration of our hope in his ability to help us to see the victory.
The reason the impossible becomes possible is because of our father God. He is your answer. Like I always say 'just bring it to God!'
Whatever your facing just bring it right now to him in prayer and pour out your heart to him.
To get the spirit of victory moving within you, you need to change how your feeling on the inside. You need to win the battle on the inner you, the part that's perhaps been completely worn down by facing the battle.
You feel tired, discouraged and a little hopeless about it all and that's why you need Gods spirit to renew your mental and spiritual attitude.
The word says that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint!
Getting into Gods presence is essential if your to turn around your hopes. Hope after all springs eternal, i.e. it comes from God himself.  It's only the devil that's sows hopelessness and discouragement, God wants to renew your hope and bring you back to the place where you believe and feel and know that it is possible to overcome.
Remember this, you may look at things through your own eyes and feelings and say it's not possible but God brings supernatural help! That means something beyond what you see and comprehend is at work in your circumstances. Just as in the case of John, he'd been praying for years to have a baby but now he was very old as was his wife and it seemed all too hopeless and late! But Gods timing is not the same as ours and at the appointed time the promise is coming! This is how you arrive at amazing unexplained miracles happening in your life. The disease you've been battling suddenly dies and you get better, someone does you the favor you were needing, your financial help comes unexpectedly, your problem that had been controlling your life (until this God moment ) brakes and your set completely free!

It starts today by you getting alone with God and letting his Spirit revive you like rain on a thirsty desert.
Read the encouragement of his plan and greater purpose just for you and understand that there is hope for your present and power to achieve your future.
Speak to yourself and win the battle of the mind by fighting back against the negative with the positive of the word.

Let God be God in your battle, he's working even now by the supernatural power of his Spirit to turn things in your favor. Don't believe or disbelieve me, but believe the word of God and the testimonies of thousands who received their loved ones raised from death, their sickness healed, there hopes renewed and who stand even now in Gods glory knowing the full reality of the fact that it's worth every effort and struggle to win the prize that is coming your way.


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