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"For nothing is impossible with God! "

Lk 1:37

"Be stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.."

(1 Cor 15 : 57)
It's amazing how easy it is for the enemy to put some Christians off track.
Simple as the guy starts to pray about something then a day latter the plans gone and the project never had a chance. We need to develop a stedfast spirit in God. Unstoppable, unquenchable unmovable in life's battles
Life is a daily battle that we need to win, just like one of Davids mighty men who defended a field against overwhelming odds and won! You too need an unmovable heart that keeps rank with God.
It says in the word  "When the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord shall raise a standard against him. In us abides the Holy spirit and we need to overcome and stand fast. Let his spirit rise up on the inside of you to teach you to stand.
Challenges come in all shapes and sizes but with Gods help we are going to be the winners!
God wants us to abound, multiply our efforts and success rate in our service for his kingdom. Wether that's praying for each other, leading worship or preaching at church, being a good example to your friends and family or work mates,or just being a dependable God man. You need to grow and you do that by setting a standard of consistent determined effort by the power of his spirit and bring forth fruit in your life with patience
Steady men, stand steady.


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