Word: Read it, believe it, live it.

Millennium CLC

Arm yourself for your mission with the armour of God this year. Let us come at the future with our game face on,focused on God from the start, ready to do what needs to be done, to fight for what we believe and what God wants for us, we will be ready to take on all that life throws at us. Through Christ we are more than conquerors and he always causes us to win, we take every opportunity to glorify him, neither life nor death nor, angels nor principalities nor height nor depth nor things present nor things to come will stop us from being who God wants us to be. If we walk in the love, grace and joy of God through the spirit of Jesus, then these three things equal, Power, Ability and Strength, so when we walk, wherever we walk, let it be in the glory and power of God. Remember that he who is with us is more than he who is against us, and let's go in and make it a strong, real, fresh year where we see God things happen.