Physical detox means, “To get the toxins out of the body, so the body functions at it‘s optimum”. 

Spiritual detox, which is what we’re about here in this week, is similar to the physical version. The area we are working on is different, and we want to get the toxins out of our spiritual person. The spiritual part of us being healed, and made strong will have a knock on effect, that will help your physical body as well. And what do we mean by toxins? Spiritually speaking, we mean the attitudes that are hidden within the heart. The hurts from all sorts of events. Tragic, personal events, that you may have shared with nobody. The bitterness that may have come from the hurts and tragic events that have occurred in your life. The fears that have been inherent inside of you, that no one else knows about, or maybe that have come about from bad circumstances or situations that have occurred in your life.

Toxins can be referred to as the character traits that bog you down, that can annoy you about yourself, that you cannot seem to be able to get rid of. Or perhaps the poisonous words spoken over our lives, often by authority figures, like parents or teachers, in our formative years. Words that have sat there, of inadequacy and incompetence, leaving us believing those words, rather then what God says about us inside. 
Or perhaps your suffering from lethargy, half heartedness, unbelief, hardness of heart, critical spirit. The combinations for things that can come out of us from our heart, are innumerable and individual, so please, don’t let us put words into your own heart. The beauty of your experience this week is as an individual sitting before God. Whatever you, yourself, feel you need to approach about you.
We sit too often, with negatives controlling our lives, when we just don’t need to. What we need to do, is to face the areas inside of ourselves, whatever those are, or however many we think they are, and open ourselves to the spirit and the word of God. To become free of those things, and thereby, able to live the giant sized life that is the inheritance given to us from God.