Take a look back to the time when you had a dream, a purpose in your heart, a plan for your life. That was a great time, a time of optimism, but, if you are like the vast majority of the population, those dreams were from a time gone by. They where the optimism of youth, where, future seems to stretch endlessly before us. If you are one of the small percentage of the population, to whom achievement and greatness occur naturally, you probably will not be reading this, because, you will be one of the few amongst us, who need no encouragement to be successful in your chosen field. YOU will be living your dreams, because you will be driven to accomplish, or you will be an anointed vessel, belonging to that bracket of the gifts given to the church, and your ministry will make room for you.

I want to talk to the rest of us, not the incredibly special, US, the majority, we can have dreams, big crazy beautiful ideas, for our lives, ideas and thoughts about what we want to see happen in our lives, and in the lives of those we love.
I want to talk to those of us, who don't even have a dream any more because now we are all grown up, and life has got us past the moment, for new beginnings. Those of us who thought big once, but now the mortgage needs paid, by the job we don't particularly like, the spiritual ideas of helping others, gone by the way, for the nine to five necessity, and gone also through the negative voices declaring inadequacy, and lack.
I want to talk to those of us who have just never had a dream, never felt that they wanted to achieve anything. The not spoken of majority, who when asked about future, think only of retirement and not of making a difference. Who cannot verbalise success.
Whichever of these is you, or a combo of them all, YOU are who I want to talk to.......

I want to talk about FINDING YOUR DREAM and making it HAPPEN.
No its not impossible, its actually relatively easy.
Its time to stop the lie that is pushed upon us, that mediocrity is the way. Rubbish! All of us who signed up for this Christian life have THE most opportunity clad life ever, don't throw it all away, and just get through life. We have incredible potential on the insides of us, yes thats ALL of us. God is no respecter of persons. He will help you, he will help me, that is who he is..... no you are not to old, as long as you have breath, IT IS NOT TO LATE.
I have simple suggestions for finding your Dreams.... and finding them is the start of making them happen.

One... tedious i know, but you have got to want it, want it with all your heart. Half hearted desire don't work, get your insides longing for a change, lusting for a better.... something. That is what will fuel you, the determination, to see ........The whatever that is going to be your dream.
Two... Get a dream in your heart that will work, get the measure of your faith mixed with good old common sense. The movers and shakers in life don't need to kick start themselves, so admit to yourself that your not one of them, and find out what is good for you. We can follow the pattern of those who are great (in our eyes), but if we were one of them, then we would be getting on with that call, it would burn in our hearts.
Three... Dreams that work, its only an example, but if you are in a really bad job, then reaching for a good one, seems like a pretty good dream to me, especially if it seems beyond the you that is you. Or maybe you need a new house, a partner. Dream of serving God full time, want to be a preacher, start a business, the lists are endless... Don't get all, “Thats not what dreaming dreams means”, on me now. It so is! I am being real, letting you know that God has stuff that is special for you to do, not stuff that is going to be so neck breakingly impossible, that you are just not going to do it no. He has given you, the measure of faith that is right for you, the expectation that is right for you, and best of all, he will empower you to achieve what he puts within you to do.

So lets get busy, putting expectation back in our hearts, reviving old dreams, finding new ones. Then we will be able to have a look at how to get them working in us..... but thats for another time!!!!

Written by Jade